Monday 6 December 2010

NIBA Weekend Gathering

We spent an enjoyable weekend Bushcrafting at Carnfunnock. Using our new Parachute as our shelter, we were able to welcome lots of old and some new friends to our latest Expedition style camp set in Carnfunnocks beautiful Chaine Wood. Our thanks go to everyone who came along and contributed to a very enjoyable weekend.

Paul securing the parachute

Cooking Bannock over the fire

Our new Parachute shelter

The Chaine Wood

Plenty of room

Venison Kebabs

Flint knapping

Making Pine Resin glue

Flint knapped arrow head

Arrow head secured to the arrow shaft with pine resin glue and lime bark cordage

Working on the fletchings

Fletchings also secured with pine resin and Lime bark cordage

Working on a green sapling bow

Trying out the bow and arrows made the previous night

The moment of truth! the arrow in flight.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun!!
    Did you guys know that there are two more bushcraft associations in Europe that followed your example? A Dutch one and a Spanish one. Maybe connect and organizing a Bushcraft Associations Week together?
